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setup flask behind nginx proxyLast update: Sun Jul 28 14:14:33 2024
Because 1 server 2 apps is sometime what you want.
PresentationPrincipleTo do that, setup NginX in front of both sites on the same server as a reverse proxy. ImplementationStep 1 : NginxDo like RTFM 1 : https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.2.x/deploying/nginx/EXCEPT that it's maybe better to : /etc/nginx/sites-available /etc/nginx/sites-enabled sudo nginx -t sudo service nginx restart Step 2 : FlaskSo though it works without telling Flask that it's behind a proxy, the makers of Flask say to do it so RTFM 2 : https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.3.x/deploying/proxy_fix/ADDITIONALLY : link WITHOUT a leading / on the target URL or you'll end up at the root of your http://my-super-site.dot.com/ and not in the /aa "folder" (the proxy redirection to your site)One other option is to use flask URL processor to edit he URL dynamically : link. Step 3 : block direct access to appsMost likely you will not want to have your app accessible on http://my-super-site.dot.com:12345, so you need to block access from outside but not from the proxy.WORK IN PROGRESS! Not the answer alas: ufw deny in on eth0 to any port 12345 proto tcp LinksHelpful sources |
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