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WhoAmILast update: Wed Apr 10 06:06:17 2024
Kalshagar / AlanFromJapan is of course a pseudonym.
I'm Alain V., French ("bonjour ♪"), Kalshagar, consider it as my private world, a little Shangri La just for me. Hope you will enjoy the visit of my palace. Started playing with the Arduino in May 2009. Got addicted around 5 minutes later. Btw I really suck at electronics, to a point you can't imagine. I'm not bad with an iron, quite good with a PC, but really lame with design and I don't understand half of what I do ... so correct me if I'm wrong! I started learning electronics a bit more seriously but there is still lots to do down the road ... Other stuffs include photography http://kalshagar.deviantart.com/, litterature, gaming and various geek stuffs. |
All content on this site is shared under the MIT licence (do what u want, don't sue me, hat tip appreciated) electrogeek.tokyo ~ Formerly known as Kalshagar.wikispaces.com and electrogeek.cc (AlanFromJapan [2009 - 2024]) |