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ardReveil v2Last update: Tue Nov 28 13:28:48 2023
ardReveil vII, its credible life2010-01-02: case is 30% finished, with holes for button plus card. Card is in fact made in a old Super Famicom cartridge I bought 105 JPY. Big button comes from Akizukideshi (as usual). Transparent box from Tokyu Hands. ... I love Japan. Circuit itself is finished except power part. Code is tested separately, miss assembling only.2010-01-11: case finished, added 2 extra buttons to the rear (for going to menu mode, setting time etc), plus one led for the funk when alarm is running. However I'm facing few problems:
2010-03-03: it's working ... so-so. When I touch it it crashes, but when my girlfriend does it works ok ... pfff, Life sucks. FULL SOURCE CODE ARD_Reveil_v2.zip CircuitNote1 : power is not presented : it's the classical wallwart %20 PTC 250 mA %20 a 7805 (or alike) for stepdown to 5V. All the components are powered by the Arduino (important I think for the I2C communication with the RTC), only the Arduino gets the power from the 7805.
All buttons are pulled up, like the big pushbutton. Red is used to go in or out of the menu (or means - in some menus), Black is used for changing menu, Big is used for validating or %20. Notabene: a few modifications on this schema :
All content on this site is shared under the MIT licence (do what u want, don't sue me, hat tip appreciated) electrogeek.tokyo ~ Formerly known as Kalshagar.wikispaces.com and electrogeek.cc (AlanFromJapan [2009 - 2024]) |